We are excited to announce that the StellarGirls program will expand into North Chicago. The Neal Math and Science Academy will provide the program to all of their 98 girls in 6th grade.
Stellar Girls introduces girls to “Big Ideas” in STEM fields. Through weekly hands-on after-school activities, students explore how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are used to feed, fuel, heal and save the world. Students have the opportunity to interact with STEM professionals to learn about STEM careers, apply STEM skills to real-world problems, and employ critical thinking skills through collaborative inquiry.
The Stellar Girls curriculum is divided into 4 units: Feeding, Fueling, Healing, and Saving. The entire program consists of up to 20 hour-and-a-half long lessons.
Since 2011, Over 2100 girls have participated in Stellar Girls programming. School-level data from 2012-2018 show that 69% of girls are underrepresented minority and 66% of participants are from low-income homes that qualify for free and reduced lunch at school.
The Stellar Girls program has a significant impact on girls’ STEM content knowledge. Stellar Girls gain an average of 21 percentage points in STEM content from pre-test to post-test.
Pictures from the StellarGirls Program