As a result of the rising number of COVID-19 cases, the General Assembly canceled the session days that were scheduled for this week. However, and as expected, standing committees in both chambers held virtual hearings throughout the week. With respect to next week, neither chamber will convene, and the General Assembly remains adjourned to the call of the Speaker and President.
We will continue to monitor for the announcement of the return date(s) for the General Assembly, and we will update you accordingly. Based upon public statements and general “talk at the water cooler”, it seems very likely that the General Assembly will not convene in Springfield (i.e. in-person) until February.
While session days are seemingly “canceled” for the near term, both chambers will continue holding virtual committee hearings on pending legislation and issues. I have highlighted some bills below.
Prescription Drug Affordability & Accessibility Committee Hearing: January 19 @ 3pm
Bills assigned:
The bill establishes a statewide drug take-back program. iBIO is opposed to this bill and similar bills because of the lack of local government preemption and excessive convenience standards and site requirements.
Places IL in direct conflict with the federal ACA and the abbreviated pathway for biosimilars and interchangeable biologics with regard to definitions and substitution and places IL with conflicting statutes. Places IL in direct conflict Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (2009) part of the ACA, which distinguishes biosimilars from generics. This language provides for non-medical switching of a prescription drug without authorization or notification to the patient’s physician or prescriber.
Other Bills
Creates the Digital Fair Repair Act. Requires manufacturers to make parts, tools, and documentation available when digital equipment is under an express warranty.
The bill represents an agreement between the Department of Insurance and the patient coalition to address the issue of the applicability of AAP bans in HSA-qualified plans
Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Increases the research and development credit by providing that the increase in research and development activities shall be based on an increase over 50% of the average of the qualifying expenditures for each year in the base period (instead of 100% of the average of the qualifying expenditures for each year in the base period). Provides that the research and development credit applies on a permanent basis. Effective immediately.