by John Conrad | Jan 19, 2023 | Member News
As Horizon ties up the loose ends for its $28 billion sale to Amgen, a drug it picked up from a previous acquisition of its own is delivering a mid-stage win. Horizon had already declared Phase II success for dazodalibep among one group of patients with Sjögren’s...
by John Conrad | Mar 6, 2020 | iBIO News
This Wednesday, iBIO and our members joined Illinois rare disease patients and their families in Springfield to raise awareness of rare diseases as part of Rare Disease Day. Patients and their families met with Illinois lawmakers to raise awareness about rare diseases...
by John Conrad | Jul 15, 2019 | Policy News
iBIO commends Governor Pritzker for signing HB 2259 – Drug Therapeutic Advisory Board-Expands Membership-Biological Products. Approximately 30 million Americans suffer from one of nearly 7,000 rare diseases. Of those 7,000 diseases only 5% have treatments which...
by John Conrad | Apr 18, 2019 | iBIO News, Patients, RD1
By Jed Weiner iBIO News Brief Contributor One of iBIO’s legislative priorities in 2019 is the passage of Illinois House Bill 2259. If signed into law, HB2259 would establish panels of experts to support the needs of the state’s Drug and Therapeutic Advisory Board...