iBIO has partnered with G2G Consulting to identify SBIR/STTR and other Government Non-Dilutive Grant opportunities for iBIO Members. Our goal is to increase funding opportunities in Illinois and the utilization of federal grants to support research and small company creation.

Every month we will provide a Government Bioscience Grants Report. This month’s report is published and available for iBIO members to access through G2G’s website:

Password: G2GBio17 (case sensitive)

Don’t Miss: G2G’s Annual Post-MHSRS Conference Webinar for Bioscience & Tech Companies on Thursday, September 26 from 11am-12pm (EDT). Click here to register. Once you RSVP, you’ll receive the link to participate in the webinar.


  1. DoD Combat Readiness BAA (p. 2, grant #4 – when click link, go to “Related Documents Tab” to access full announcement) – focus areas include:
  • Scalable wound care solutions – prevent bleeding, infection, and acute pain; delivery of therapeutics, including non-opioid solutions for pain; and promotion of healing
  • Decision-support solutions – e.g. algorithms, artificial intelligence, deep learning, and/or telemedicine, for triage and management of severely injured Warfighters, to include management and monitoring of: Hemorrhage and resuscitation (i.e., airway management, control of bleeding, sedation, etc.); Acute pain; Multi-casualty events when delayed evacuation exceeds available capability and/or capacity, in order to extend provider capabilities
  • Solutions that address hemorrhage control, including: Non-compressible torso hemorrhage; Alternatives to optimize logistics and administration of blood products to the Warfighter
  • Wearable sensors with broader multiple capabilities to identify and monitor medical management of injuries, to include: Environmental exposures; Onset of infection, including sepsis; Physiological status (heart rate, blood pressure, respiration), stress monitoring tools; Neurological injury; Point-of-care imaging
  1. Patient-Centered Outcomes (pp. 20-21, grants #54-57) – areas of interest include: addressing disparities; assessment of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment options; communication and dissemination research, and improving health systems.
  2. Deadlines for certain CDMRP and USAMRRA funding applications have been adjusted because Hurricane Dorian has prevented some applicants from submitting. Applicants should contact the eBRAP Helpdesk [email protected]

September GBG Topic Areas:
Addiction/Substance Abuse (2)
Alzheimer’s Disease (1)
Broad Agency Announcements (15)
Cancer (12)
Cellular Biology (1)
Cybersecurity (1)
Diabetes (2)
Disability and Rehabilitation (1)
Genetics (2)
Global Health Security (1)
Heart, Lung, and Blood (7)
Immunology (2)
Infectious Disease (6)
Kidney (1)
Medically Underserved Populations (1)
Neuroscience (2)
Oral, Dental, Craniofacial Research (1)
Pain Management (1)
Patient-Centered Outcomes (4)
Regenerative Medicine (1)
Rural Health (1)
Traumatic Brain Injury (1)
Other (6)